Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Cauliflower and Fennel

1    head cauliflower
2    medium fennel bulbs
1    cup white table wine
2    tablespoons sherry or vermouth
1    tablespoon olive oil
2    tablespoons fennel fronds, chopped
1    tablespoons white wine vinegar
2    tablespoons Dijon style mustard
1    tablespoon honey

Cut the leaves and stem from a head of cauliflower and slice it into ½ inch slices from florets to the base. Set the two outside pieces aside. Divide the flat slices into 3 to 4 pieces each and keep the outside slices and any loose florets for another meal.

Cut the fronds and stems off of the fennel bulbs and slice the bottom ¼ inch of the bulb off, removing the outer most layer. Retain some of the fronds and slice the bulb into ¼ inch slices top to  bottom. Cut these slices in half crosswise.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the wine and sherry, cauliflower and fennel. Cover and braise the vegetables until they are tender-soft and slightly browned, about 10 to 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. If the pan becomes dry. add ¼ cup dry white wine at a time. Remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon to a serving dish.

While the vegetables are cooking, add the oil, fronds, vinegar, mustard and honey to a food processor and process to a puree. When the vegetables are done, serve them drizzled with the honey-mustard sauce.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Sesame Chicken and Asparagus

I don’t know if my taste buds are immune to sesame now, but this dish should have tasted stronger than I thought it did when I made it. I even went out and bought a new bottle of sesame oil and tried it a second time without much change. At any rate, kit still was very good.

1    bunch asparagus, about 1 pound
2    boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2    tablespoons butter
½   cup chopped shallots
1    tables[poon dry white wine
1    teaspoon dried tarragon
2    tablespoons sesame oil
2    tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted

Wash and trim the asparagus by breaking off the hard part of the stems, then cut into 1 inch pieces. Set aside. Cut the chicken into  bite-sized pieces and set aside.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the butter. When melted, add the shallots and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the chicken to the skillet and, stirring occasionally, cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Add the white wine and the asparagus and cook for 4 to 5  minutes un til the asparagus is crisp-tender. Remove from the heat and pour on the sesame oil, stirring to combine. Remove to a serving dish and garnish with the sesame seeds.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

French Toast Sandwich

2    large eggs
¼   cup low fat (2%) milk
½   teaspoon ground cinnamon
2    teaspoons vanilla extract
4    slices bread of your choice

Prepare a stove-top grill or large skillet with a little olive oil or cooking spray. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla and then pour this into a pie plate or other large flat bowl. Heat the skillet or grill over medium-high heat. Place each slice of bread into the pie plate and allow it to absorb some of the liquid then put the bread, wet side down, onto the grill or skillet. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes until browned and remove.

Place the filling on the cooked side of 2 of the pieces of bread, dip the uncooked side into the pie plate and put onto the grill. Dip the uncooked side of the other 2 slices of bread into the pie plate absorbing the last of the liquid and then put them on top of the ones on the grill, cooked side down

Cook the sandwiches for 3 to 4 minutes until well browned and carefully turn them over to cook the other side, again for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from the grill, slice in half diagonally and serve.

*FILLING The original recipe called for an almond butter (2 Tbsp) maple syrup (4 Tbsp) and sliced banana filling, with the butter and syrup mixed and applied first. Not having a banana around, I decided to use a peanut butter and honey mixture for the filling, 2 tablespoons each, mixed. It worked well, but feel free to make up your own.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

San Marzano Tomato Soup

1    tablespoon olive oil
1    medium onion, chopped, (1½ cups)
4    cloves garlic, minced
1    can (15 ounces) San Marzano diced tomatoes*
½   teaspoon ground cumin
½   teaspoon smoked paprika
1    cup chicken broth
1    cup water
½  cup half-and-half

Warm a medium sauce pan over medium heat, Add the olive oil and onion and cook for 7 to 8 minutes until tender and translucent. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Increase the heat to medium-high and add the undrained tomatoes, cumin, paprika, chicken broth and water.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove from the heat and stir in the half-and-half. Blend carefully to a puree in either a blender or food processor, using 2 batches if necessary. Return to a clean sauce pan and serve individually topped with chopped flat leaf parsley.

*NOTE. Italian San Marzano tomatoes are hand-picked from volcanic soils in southern Italy, are certified by the Italian government and are worth the effort to obtain. But if you are unable to find them, you may use a domestic version or other types.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Spanish Style Rice

½   pound lean ground beef
1    cup finely chopped white onion
4    cloves garlic, minced
½   cup finely chopped green pepper
1    can (15 ounce) diced tomatoes
1    cup water
2    cups uncooked long grain rice (Arborio or like)
½   cup salsa, tomatillo or red
½   teaspoon salt
1    tablespoon ground cumin
½   cup shredded cheddar cheese
      chopped fresh cilantro for garnish

In a large oven-proof skillet ov er medium heat, cook the ground beef, breaking up any lumps, until well  browned, about 5 minutes. Stir in the onions, garlic. green pepper, tomatoes, water, rice, salsa, salt and cumin. Stir once to mix the ingredients, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook for 8 to 10 minutes. Uncover and stir to loosen any rice stuck to the bottom of the pan. Check the fluid level and add water if required.

Re-cover and continue to simmer for 10 minutes or until the rice is completely cooked. Resist the tempetation to stir the mixture more than the one time so the rice will cook completely.

Turn on the broiler and adjust a shelf 4-5 inches from the heating element. When the rice is cooked, remove from the stove and sprinkle the cheese evenly over the top. Place under the broiler until the cheese is thoroughly melted, 3 to 5 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro to serve.

Modified from a recipe in AllRecipes magazine

Baked or Skillet Spaghetti

Decades ago, when I was a child, my mom used to make a baked spaghetti in large (3 to 5 pounds of spaghetti) batches in an electric baking oven – more like todays slow cookers. It tasted mostly of tomato and we all loved it – even the German Shepard. This recipe may not be the same, but it is as close as I have come in years of searching.

1    pound hamburger
1    medium onion, chopped (1 cup)
8    ounces spaghetti
2    cans (15 ounces) tomato sauce*
2    cups water*
1    tablespoon dried oregano
1    tablespoon dried rosemary
1    tablespoon dried basil

Preheat the oven to 275 F*. In a medium* skillet over medium heat, brown the hamburger, breaking it up with a fork into small bits. Using a slotted spoon, remove the browned hamburger to a baking dish, retaining the fat in the skillet. Add the onion to the skillet and cook it until it is translucent, about 4 to 5 minutes. Remove this to the baking dish transferring as little fat as possible.

Break the spaghetti into half and lay it over the hamburger and onions in the baking dish*. Add the tomato sauce, water and spices to the baking dish, stirring lightly to mix. Cover and place into the middle of the oven, Bake for 15 minutes and stir the ingredients. If all the liquid has not been absorbed, re-cover and return to the oven for 10 more minutes. Serve immediately, garnished with grated Parmesan cheese and chopped parsley.

*Instead of the tomato sauce and water, you can use 4 cups of tomato juice (NOT V8}
*Instead of baking, use a large skillet and build the spaghetti there. Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes and check the liquid level as in the baking method.

*If you like mushrooms in your pasta, add 1 or 2 cans of Stems and Pieces (7 ounces), drained, after adding the onions.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Chicken and Leek Stew

3    tablespoons butter
2    medium leeks, cleaned and thinly sliced
½   pound crimini mushrooms, thinly sliced
2    tablespoons olive oil
1    pound chicken breast, skinless, boneless, cut to 1 inch pieces
      all-purpose flour for dusting
1 ½   cups chicken broth
½   tablespoon dried thyme
1    tablespoon dry Sherry or sweet Vermouth
2    tablespoons sour cream
2    teaspoons Dijon style mustard

Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat and add the leeks. Cook the leeks, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms, cover and cook until the mushrooms are tender, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the leeks and mushrooms to a plate and set aside.

Add the olive loil to the skillet.  Lightly dust the chicken pieces with the flour , shaking to remove any excess, and add to the skillet. Cook the chicken until golden brown on all sides and add the broth,  thyme and sherry. Continue cooking the chicken until it is cooked through, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove to the plate with the leeks and  mushrooms.

Simmer the broth until it is reduced by half. Whisk the sour cream and mustard together in a small bowl and whisk into the broth. Return the leeks, mushrooms and chicken to the skillet. Simmer over low heat to warm throughout. Remove from the heat and serve.

Adapted from a recipe in Food and Wine magazine

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Bulgur with Fruit

2    cups water
1    cup bulgur
2    tablespoons butter                                         
1    chopped, peeled pear
1    chopped, peeled apple
½   cup dry roasted peanuts* (optional)
1    tablespoon brown sugar

Bring water to a boil in a medium sauce pan and add the bulgur. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook the bulgur for about 10 to 12 minutes until soften throughout. Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again. Set aside.

In a medium skillet, melt the butter over medium heat and add the fruit and nuts. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes until softened, remove from the heat and stir in the brown sugar. Mix in the bulgur and return to re-heat for 1 to 2 minutes. Serve immediately

*NOTE: Instead of peanuts, use whatever nuts you have on hand, chopping larger ones to peanut size. Or, use seeds instead. Or Not. Your choice.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Mexican White Bean Soup


1    tablespoon olive oil
1    medium onion, chopped (1 cup)
2    stalks celery, sliced (1 cup)
2    medium carrots, sliced (1 cup)
3    cloves garlic, minced
2    teaspoons ground cumin
1    ;pinch or more cayenne pepper
2 ½   cups low sodium chicken broth
1    can (15 ounces) white beans
1    cup salsa verde or taco sauce
      sour cream for garnish
      fresh cilantro for garnish

Heat a large Dutch oven or skillet over medium heat. Add the olive oil and the onion, celery, carrots and garlic. Cook the vegetables for 6 to 7 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Add the pepper and broth. Retain ¼ cup of the beans and add the remainder to the soup, cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and continue to cook for 4 to 5 minutes.

Using a hand-held blender or a counter top blender, carefully blend the soup slightly, leaving some pieces of vegetables. Add the salsa and the retained beans and continue to cook to reheat the soup. Remove from the heat and serve with a dollop of sour cream and chopped cilantro

Adapted from a recipe in Better Homes and Gardens  magazine

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Tomatoes and Eggs

1    large ripe tomato
2    tablespoons  butter
3    eggs
¼   cup Feta cheese
1    tablespoon sour cream or yogurt
½   teaspoon salt if you must

Slice off a thin slice from the top and bottom of the tomato and remove the stem part. Slice the tomato into ¼ inch slices and halve them into semi-circles. Melt the butter in a medium non-stick skillet over medium heat and add the tomato slices. Cook the tomatoes for 4 to 5 minutes, turning occasionally. Set aside in a bowl or serving dish.

Whisk together the eggs, Feta cheese and sour cream until thoroughly mixed and pour into the skillet. Cook the eggs, turning occasionally, until stiff, about 3 to 5 minutes. Serve the eggs covered by the tomatoes and accompanied by toast.

NOTE: This recipe will serve one or two people and can be doubled or more to serve larger groups using, of course, larger skillets.

Adapted from a recipe by my mom many years ago.

Shrimp Farfalle

1    cup dry mini or regular farfalle pasta
1 ½   cups arugula
¼   cup basil leaves
½   cup Parmigano-Reggiano cheese, grated
3    tablespoons pine nuts
3    cloves garlic
1    tablespoon olive oil
¼   cup dry white table wine
½   pound medium shrimp, shelled, deveined

Cook the farfalle according to package directions to al dente state. Drain and set aside.

In a food processor, add the arugula, basil, cheese, pine nuts and garlic, Pulse until ingredients are finely chopped. Add the olive oil and process until smooth. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the wine. Add the shrimp and cook until they are thoroughly pink. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Add the pesto mix to the skillet and bring to a simmer. Add the pasta and mix thoroughly. When the liquid is almost evaporated, remove the skillet from the heat and let it sit for a minute. Serve the pasta covered with the shrimp.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Monday, September 25, 2017

Citrus Carrots with Craisins

A great side dish for those that do not like vegetables or for those that do. Think Thanksgiving.

4-6 large carrots, peeled, cut diagonally to ¼  inch
1    juice of a large lemon
2    tablespoons honey
¼   cup dry white table wine
2    tablespoons olive oil
1    grated peel of 1 large lemon
1    cup craisins (dried  cranberries)

In a large sauce pan, stir together the carrots, lemon juice, honey, table wine, olive oil and lemon. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for about 15 minutes until carrots are tender and glazed. Stir in the craisins and continue to simmer until they are plumped and the liquid is absorbed, about 5 more minutes.

Adapted from a recipe at

SPAM and Nuts Pasta

No, I'm not kidding. This is made with good ol' SPAM from the days of old. It is really good, also. Trust me but don't tell the family until after dinner.They might not even know what it is.

8    ounces dry linguini or similar pasta
2    tablespoons olive oil
2    shallots, minced
4    cloves garlic, minced
1    cup walnuts or pecans, chopped
1    tin SPAM, shredded
¼   cup grated parmesan cheese
2    tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Cook pasta to package directions until al dente, drain and set aside. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat and add the shallots. Cook for 2 minutes and add the garlic. Stir for 1 minute and add the chopped nuts. Cook the nuts until they give off a toasted smell, about 1 minute. Add the SPAM, cook and stir until the SPAM is thoroughly warmed, about 4 to 6 minutes.

Add and lightly toss the pasta with the SPAM mixture, sprinkle on the Parmesan and parsley and serve.

Adapted from a recipe in All

Friday, September 1, 2017

Scallops on Couscous


1 ½  cups seafood broth
1    cup couscous
1    tablespoon butter
¼   cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

1    tablespoon olive oil
1    shallot, chopped
2    cloves garlic, minced
1    cup Sauvignon Blanc wine
12  small scallops or 6 jumbo scallops sliced in half
½   tablespoon smoked paprika

In a medium sauce pan, bring ther watert to a boil and add the couscous and butter. Cover and cook for 8 to 10 min jutes, stirring occasionally, until all the liquid is absorbed. Remove from the heat, mix in the butter and cheese, set aside.

In a large skillet, warm the olive oil over medium heat and add the shallot and garlic. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes and add the wine. When warmed, add the scallops and cook, turning occasionally, for 7 to 8 minutes. Remove from the skillet, sprinkle with the smoked paprika and set aside for serving.

Cook the poaching liquid for 2 to 3 minutes to remove most of the liquid and mix the poaching liquid with the couscous. Serve in four dishes by dividing the couscous evenly and adding 3 scallops per dish.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Quick Baked Beans

They are quick to make, they taste pretty much like the canned baked beans and you don't have to bake them.

4    slices bacon
1    cup white onion, chopped
4    cloves garlic, minced
½   cup low sodium chicken broth
½   cup dark brown sugar
1    tablespoon prepared yellow mustard
1    teaspoon smoked paprika
1    pinch cayenne pepper
2-3    cans (15 ounces) navy beans or equivalent, drained
1    can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
2    tablespoons dried thyme

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and cook the bacon until crisp, about 7 to 8 minutes. Remove bacon to paper towels to drain, reserving fat in the skillet. When bacon cools, chop into small pieces.

Add the onion to the skillet and cook until translucent, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add the garlic to the skillet and cook for 30 seconds. Add the broth, sugar, mustard, paprika, pepper, beans, tomato sauce and thyme. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes, uncovered. Remove from the heat and stir in the chopped bacon bits. Serve immediately.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Peach Crepes


2      large eggs
¾     cup milk
½     cup water
1      cup flour
3      tablespoons sugar
½     teaspoon vanilla extract
3      tablespoons melted butter

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and water. Add the flour and whisk that in to the eggs and milk. Add the sugar, vanilla and melted butter and whisk those into the batter. This batter will keep in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.

Heat a medium non-stick pan over medium-low heat. Pour ¼ cup of the batter into the center of the pan and let it spread evenly. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes until the surface of the crepe looks solid. Carefully turn the crepe over*. Cook for another 30 seconds and remove to a cutting board or wire rack. Lay them out flat so they can cool.

Continue until all batter is gone. After they have cooled you can stack them using wax paper and store in sealable plastic bag in the refrigerator for several days or in the freezer for up to two months. When using frozen crepes, thaw on a rack before gently peeling apart.

*NOTE: When turning the crepes, I had to gently lift one edge to slide the turner under the crepe. Also, when they are done, they should slide right out of the non-stick pan.

Based on a recipe from Alton Brown through Food



1      pound fresh or 2 cans (15 ounces) sliced peaches
½     cup (packed) golden brown sugar
¼     cup water or canned peach juice
1      teaspoon ground cinnamon
½     teaspoon ground nutmeg

Drain the canned peaches, saving the liquid, or peel the fresh peaches. Chop the peaches  into ¼ inch pieces. Combine peaches, brown sugar, 1/4 cup water, cinnamon and nutmeg in a heavy medium saucepan. Cook compote over medium heat until liquid is reduced to medium-thick syrup, stirring occasionally, and peaches are softened, about 15 minutes.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Portugese Pork and Clam Stew

I had this dish at a long-gone Portugese restaurant on South Second Street in San Jose several years ago and have enjoyed preparing it ever since. It is very simple and my favorite food critic states it is very good.

I just had this dish again and decided to bring it up from the lost folds of the blog.

2    tablespoons olive oil
2    Pork sirloin chops, boneless and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1    teaspoon chopped fresh sage or 1/2 teaspoon dried
1/2 teaspoon ground, dried rosemary
2    cans (6 ounce) chopped clams
2    medium potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1    tablespoon chopped flat leaf parsley for garnish

In a 1 quart sauce pan over medium-high heat, warm the olive oil and then add and brown the cubes of pork, stirring often until browned on all sides. Add the spices during the browning. Add the two cans of chopped clams, juice and all, then the potatoes, stirring well. Lower the heat to medium and simmer for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

Divide among two to three serving dishes and garnish with the parsley. Serve with steamed green vegetables, a mixed green salad and a chilled bottle of Guglielmo Pinot Grigio

Corn and Salsa

Corn on the cob is good. Frozen and thawed corn with a little butter is good. But what else can you do with it? Try this simple dish for a treat. Sorry I don't have a photo. It looks like red stuff with little yellow things.

2    cups canned or jarred marinara sauce
2    cups frozen corn kernels
2    tablespoons mildTaco sauce

Mix them all up in a medium sauce pan and cook over medium heat until the corn is thoroughly cooked, about 7 to 8 minutes. Serve immediately.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Orange French Toast

¼   cup brown sugar
½   teaspoon grated orange peel*
½   cup fresh orange juice*
½   teaspoon ground cinnamon
½   teaspoon vanilla extract
2    large whole eggs
¼   cup low fat (2%) milk
6    slices pre-sliced French bread

In a large bowl, whisk together the brown sugar, orange peel, orange juice, cinnamon and vanilla. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk and add to the orange mixture bowl, stirring to combine.

Warm a non-stick frying pan over medium-low heat. Dip each slice of French bread into the egg mixture, being sure to get every spot on the bread soaked. Fry each piece for about 3 to 4 minutes per side, serve and enjoy. Add a little butter and/or maple syrup if you please.

*NOTE: I used a medium orange and just grated all the peeling I could and then juiced the orange and strained the juice into the bowl, eliminating seeds and pulp.

Adapted from a recipe in All Recipes magazine.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

GTuna Tomato Salad

2    cans (7 ounces) tuna
1    can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes, drained*
½   cup finely chopped red onion
½   cup finely chopped celery
¼   cup Greek yogurt
2    tablespoons Dijon style mustard
2    tablespoons drained capers

In a large salad bwl, mix together tuna, tomatoes, onion and celery. In a small bowl, mix the yohgurt and mustard and pour onto the salad, mixing it in as you add the capers. Serve immediately.

*You can substitute 2 cups of chopped fresh tomatoes if desired

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Risotto Puttanesca

No one in Italy would ever even think of doing this. Risotto is northern, puttanesca is from the south and never shall the two cuisines meet. This is like putting corn on a pizza. But someone had to try, so I did.

1    tablespoon olive oil
½   cup white onion, finely chopped
4    garlic cloves, minced
6    anchovy fillets, finely chopped
½   teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
1    can (7 ounces) tomato sauce
2    teaspoons dried oregano

1    cup low sodium chicken broth
1    cup water +
1    tablespoon olive oil
1    cup Arborio rice
¼   cup dry white table wine

½   cup chopped black or Kalamata olives
3    tablespoons capers, rinsed, soaked and drained
¼   cup grated Parmesan cheese

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a medium sauce pan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until onion is translucent, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and anchovies, cook 1 minute. Add the pepper flakes, tomato sauce and oregano, stir well and simmer  for 2 to 3 minutes. Lower heat to very low.

Mix the chicken broth and water in a medium sauce pan and warm it over low heat. In a large skillet over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and swirl to coat. Add the rice and stir for 3 to 4 minutes until it begins to sizzle. Add the ¼ cup of white wine and stir until it is absorbed.

Add ½ cup of the broth-water mix to the large skillet and, continuously stirring, cook it until the .liquid is absorbed. Continue stirring and adding small amounts of the broth for about 16 to 17 minutes or until the rice is almost al dente. Add the tomato sauce mixture to the skillet and stir it well.

Continue stirring and adding small amounts of broth until the rice is done, about 20  minutes over all. If you runout of broth-water, go to plain water. Remove from the heat and stir in the olives, capers and cheese.  Once warmed throughout, serve immediately with slices of crunchy Italian bread. . 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bulgur Brown Rice Salad


½    cup bulgur
½    cup brown rice
½    cup snow peas
2     medium tomatoes, diced ½ inch
4     green onions, sliced diagonal ½ inch
¼    cup crumbled feta cheese
¼    cup chopped flat leaf parsley

2    tablespoons white wine vinegar
2    tablespoons olive oil
2    tablespoons lime juice
2    tablespoons honey

In separate sauce pans, cook bulgur and brown rice according to package directions. Drain if necessary and set aside in a large bowl. Remove the strings from the peas and cut into ½ inch pieces on the diagonal. Add to the bowl.

Add the tomatoes, the green onions, the feta cheese and the chopped parsley to the bowl and mix all the ingredients. Whisk together the vinegar, olive oil, lime juice and honey. Serve individual servings and pass the dressing separately.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sauerkraut Stew

This is an old time recipe from Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic. Chill overnight. 

4    strips of bacon
½   pound lamb, cut into ½  inch pieces
½   pound pork,  cut into ½  inch pieces
½   beef short rib meat, cut into ½ inch pieces
1    medium purple onion, chopped (1 ½ cups)
1    large carrot, grated
2    stalks celery, chopped small
4    cloves garlic, minced
½   cup water
1    boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into ½  inch pieces
2    pounds sauerkraut (1 large jar)
1    teaspoon dried marjoram or tarragon

Place the bacon into a large (4 to 5 quart) sauce pan or Dutch oven and cook until crisp. Remove the bacon and half of the fat and reserve the fat. Chop the bacon and return to the sauce pan. Add the lamb, pork and spareribs to the sauce pan and cook on high until the meat is browned on all sides. Reduce the heat to medium and add the onions. Cover and simmer for 5 to 6 minutes until the onions are golden brown. Add the carrots, celery and garlic and cook until the vegetables are tender, about 4 to 6 minutes. Add the water and continue to simmer.

Meanwhile, using the reserved fat in another skillet over medium heat, brown the chicken pieces and cook for 6 to 7 minutes until thoroughly cooked.  Reserve the fat and chicken.

Drain and add the sauerkraut to the large sauce pan with the meat and vegetables. Add the marjoram and simmer until the sauerkraut is slightly browned and the meat is tender. Add the chicken pieces and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Cool and refrigerate for 24 hours. Reheat and serve with sour cream on the side.

Based on a recipe from All Along the Danube by Marina Polvay,  Hippocrene Books, Inc.,1992, New York.  First published in1979 by Prentice Hall, Inc.