Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Potato Crusted Fish Filets

Not only does this dish look really cool (I need a better drizzling device than what I used here) it also tastes great. The mixed flavors of potatoes and fish, fish and polenta, with or without sauce, and polenta with sauce are all very good. This dish will amaze everyone at the table when it is served. I was amazed myself. (You may want to double the sauce recipe - it is that good)

3-4 fish fillets (6-8 ounce each) halibut, tilapia, flounder, etc.
2    tablespoons olive oil, divided
      egg wash - 1 egg beaten with 1/4 cup of water
2-3 small diameter Yukon Gold or white potatoes

1/2 cup dry white table wine
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1    medium shallot, chopped
1    dash ground white pepper
1/4 pound butter or butter substitute
1    tablespoon Dijon style mustard

1    recipe Creamy Polenta (elsewhere in this blog)
2    tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsley

Preheat the oven to 375 F degrees. Brush one side of the fish fillets with olive oil and place them oil-side down on a baking sheet. Brush the upper side with the egg wash. Using a mandolin, thinly slice the potatoes into round slices. Dip them or brush them with olive oil and place them on top of the fish fillets, overlapping each other to resemble fish scales. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until the potato slices are beginning to brown.

Meanwhile, in a shallow skillet over medium heat, add the white wine, wine vinegar, shallots and white pepper. Cook for 6 to 8 minutes until the liquid has been reduced to 1/4 cup. Whisk in the butter 1 teaspoon at a time until an emulsion has formed. Whisk in the mustard, strain through a sieve into a serving bowl and retain.

To serve on individual serving dishes, make a bed of polenta in the center of the dish that is just slightly larger than the fish fillet. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and carefully lay the fish on top of the polenta. Drizzle with some of the sauce and serve, passing the sauce.

Based upon a recipe from Robert Rothschild Farms

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