Monday, February 26, 2018

Chicken Couscous Paella


2    cups couscous*
1    jar (8 ounces) clam juice
1 ½  cups water

1    tablespoon olive oil
8    ounces chicken breast, diced
1    medium  red bell pepper, seeded, diced ½ inch
½   cup diced white onion
½   cup diced chorizo or pepperoni
2    large cloves garlic, minced

2    cups chicken broth
½   cup frozen peas
½   cup bay shrimp
½   cup diced tomatoes
1    tablespoon dried parsley
½   teaspoon salt

There are three parts to paella – the rice or couscous, the vegetables and meats that need .longer cooking and ingredients that do not need a lot of cooking.

In a medium sauce pan, mix the clam juice and water and bring to a boil. Add the couscous and bring back to a boil. Reduce heat to a ,ow simmer, cover and cook for 8 to 10  minutes (see package directions) or until all the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large heavy skillet over medium heat and add the chicken, bell pepper, onion, garlic and chorizo. Cook this for about 5 minutes until the chicken is browned all over, the onion is translucent and the pepper is tender-crisp. If the couscous is not ready, remove the skillet from the heat and cover.

Add the couscous and the chicken broth to the skillet over medium heat and stir to combine. Add the tomatoes, peas, shrimp, parsley and salt, stirring in. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes, remove from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Serve in individual flat soup bowls.

 Modified from a recipe in Eating Well  magazine

COOKS NOTES: I used a multi-colored pearl couscous which, from prior experience, needed all the cooking time in this recipe, even though the package stated 8 to 10  minutes. Other varieties may have different outcomes, so be aware of the state of the couscous at all times – you may just add it at the end of cooking all the other ingredients not in the  middle of the process.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Southwest Corn Chowder


1    medium white onion, chopped (1 cup)
4    cloves garlic, minced
1    Anaheim pepper
2    red chile peppers
2    jalapeno peppers
2    tablespoons olive oil
2    cups corn kernels, divided
1    cup low fat (2%) milk

Place the onion and garlic in a medium bowl and set aside. Cut the tops off of the peppers, remove the seeds and the inner white membranes from all of them.* Slice lengthwise into ¼ inch slices and then chop into small pieces. Add them to the onions and garlic.

Now, go and wash your hands very well with warm water and soap before you rub your eyes or your lips and really hurt yourself.

Warm a large sauce pan over medium-high heat and add the olive oil. When warmed, add the bowl of onions and peppers and saute, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are softened, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove ¼ cup of the onions and peppers and put them into the medium bowl. Add 1 ¾ cups of the corn to the sauce pan, putting the other ¼ cup into the bowl of peppers/onions.

Add the milk to the sauce pan, bring to a soft boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Using batches if necessary, add the soup to a food processor or a blender and process to a very coarse puree. Return to the sauce pan, add the bowl of corn and peppers and cook on medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes to blend the flavors. Serve immediately.

*COOKS NOTE: Removing the inner white membranes removes most of the heat from these peppers. If you like it hot, leave some of the membrane on when you cut the peppers up, especially the red chilies.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Chicken Chickpea Tagine


2    tablespoons olive oil
2    skinless, boneless chicken breasts
      diced to ½  inch pieces
1    large onion, diced (2 ½ cups)
6    cloves garlic, minced
1    tablespoons ground cumin
1    teaspoon ground coriander
1    teaspoon paprika
1    teaspoon turmeric
1    teaspoon powdered ginger
1    pinch red pepper flakes (optional)
1    cup chicken broth
1    teaspoon honey
1    teaspoon cinnamon
½   cup chopped dried apricots, chopped
2    cans (15 ounces) garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained, rinsed
¼   cup chopped cilantro leaves

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the olive oil, swirling to coat. Add the chicken pieces to the pan and cook about 3 to 4 minutes until all the pieces are browned on all sides.  Add the onion and garlic to the skillet and cook for 3 to 4 minutes to soften the onion. Add all the spices down to red pepper flakes and stir into the pan.

Add the broth and scrape up any brown bits in the skillet. Stir in the honey and cinnamon and add the chicken back to the skillet, stirring. Mix in the dried apricots and beans, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a low simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Serve in a large serving dish sprinkled with the cilantro.

Adapted from a slow cooker recipe in Cooking Light magazine

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Chicken Vegetable Stir Fry


2    tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
1    teaspoon Sriracha sauce
1    teaspoon corn starch
1    tablespoon rice vinegar
2    tablespoons dark sesame oil
1    pound skinless, boneless chicken, cut to ½  inch cubes (2 breasts)
2    cups thinly sliced cabbage
2    cups snap peas, halved
1    large red bell pepper, seeded, sliced, halved
2    green onions, cut diagonally ½ inch

In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, Sriracha sauce, vinegar and cornstarch until well combined and set aside.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the oil, swirling to coat. Add the chicken and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring, to brown and cook through. Add the bell pepper and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring, until crisp tender. Add the snap peas and cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Add and fold in the cabbage until it is well wilted, continuing to stir, about 2 minutes

Whisk the soy mixture again and add to the skillet, stirring to combine. Cook until thickened and remove from the heat. Serve the stir fry over rice and sprinkle with the green onions.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light  magazine

COOKS NOTE: This very easily could be made as a vegetarian dish by substituting tofu for the chicken. Cook cubes of  tofu first in the skillet and then remove it to add the vegetables. Return the tofu after the cabbage is cooked but before adding the soy sauce mix.

Chicken and Pepper Saute


2    tablespoons olive oil
1    pound skinless, boneless chicken, diced ½ inch
1    cup thinly sliced, halved orange bell pepper
1    cup thinly sliced, halved red bell pepper
4    cloves garlic, minced
1    cup chopped fresh tomatoes
¼   cup chicken broth
1    teaspoon dried oregano
¼   cup thinly sliced green onions
¼   cup crumbled feta cheese

Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the olive oil. Add the chicken to the warm oil and cook, stirring, for 4 to 5 minutes until the chicken is n o longer pink. Remove the chicken to a bowl and cover to keep warm.

Add the bell peppers and garlic to the pan and cook for 4 to 5 minutes until they become tender-crisp. Add the tomatoes, broth and oregano and cook for 2 minutes. Add the chicken and cook for another 2 minutes until the tomatoes are soft. Remove the pan from the heat and add the onions and feta before serving.

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light  magazine

COOKS NOTE: I used several small plum tomatoes for this dish and ended up with a slight bitter aftertaste. 2-3 drops of Worcestershire sauce fixed that, but I don’t think the same would happen with larges tomatoes being used since the skins usually bring on the bitterness.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Beef,Snow Pea Spinach Stir Fry


½    pound beef top round or London broil
2    tablespoons soy sauce
4    tablespoons sherry or sweet vermouth
1    teaspoon brown sugar
2    teaspoons ground dry ginger
1    tablespoon corn starch
2    tablespoons olive oil, divided
1    medium onion, chopped
4    cloves garlic, minced
8    ounces snow peas, halved diagonally
2    cups chopped spinach
¼   cup beef broth

Slice the beef into ¼ inch slices* and then cut those into 2 inch lengths. In a medium bowl, whisk together until well combined the soy sauce, wine, sugar, ginger and corn starch. Set aside.

Warm a large skillet over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of  olive oil, swirling to coat. Add the beef slices, in batches if necessary, and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, turning once, until no longer pink. Remove from the skillet and set aside. Add the remaining tablespoon of oil, the onion and garlic to the skillet and cook for 3 to 4 minutes until the onions are translucent. Add the snow peas and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until tender-crisp.

Add the spinach, the reserved beef and the broth, stirring to combine and cook for 1 to 2 minutes to wilt the spinach. Whisk the soy sauce again and add to the skillet, stirring. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes until thickened and remove the skillet from the heat.

*COOKS NOTE:  To thinly slice the beef, partially freeze it before slicing. If it gets too frozen, 20 seconds in the microwave will defrost it just enough.