Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Zucchini in Tomato Sauce

It is the time of plenty. If fact, it is also the time of too darn much in some cases. Too many zucchini (yours, friends or the neighbors), too many tomatoes (same sources), some getting too soft for salads. What to do?

3-4  medium ripe tomatoes, diced
3-4  zucchini, ends trimmed, sliced
1-2  teaspoons dried oregano
½    cup chopped onion, shallots or leeks
2-3  cloves garlic, minced  
1     pinch salt

Place all ingredients in a sauce pan and stir to combine. Place over medium heat and cook for 8 to 10 minutes at a simmer, stirring occasionally. Remove to a serving dish or individual serving dishes, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and enjoy.

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