Saturday, March 2, 2013

Red Cabbage and Apples

They just don’t make better side dishes than this. I can’t wait for St. Patrick’s day to have this with a pork dish and the Irish brown bread. A nice glass of ale will have to accompany it all since I don’t know of any Irish red wines to pair with it.
1    large head of red cabbage
2    tablespoons cider vinegar
3    tablespoons granulated sugar
1/8  teaspoon cinnamon
½   cup water
3    Macintosh, Gala or Fuji apples

Cut the cabbage into four pieces, remove the core and shred the cabbage. Place into a large steel skillet. Mix the vinegar, sugar, cinnamon and water and pour over the cabbage. Bring to a low boil.

Peel, core and cut each apple into 8 even pieces and put on top of the cabbage in the skillet, cover and cook for about 15 minutes until the cabbage is soft and the apples soft. Remove the cover and cook for about 5 more minutes to evaporate most of the liquid. Remove from the heat and serve immediately.

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