Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Roast Pork And Vegetables

2    tablespoons whole grain mustard
2    tablespoons Dijon style mustard
1    tablespoon dried thyme
1    tablespoon ground fennel seeds
4    cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup olive oil
1    3-4 pound pork loin roast
3-4  carrots,peeled
14   small red or Yukon potatoes
1-2  large bulbs fennel
12   cloves garlic, unpeeled

Prepare the marinade in a medium bowl by combining the two mustards, the thyme and fennel, garlic and olive oil. Whisk well to mix. Place the pork roast on a large sheet of plastic wrap and coat the top with the marinade. Roll the roast over and coat the other side. Wrap the roast with the plastic wrap, place into a plastic bag and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cut the carrots into 3 inch lengths and cut the larger parts lengthwise into halves or quarters so all the pieces are equivalent in size. Par boil the carrots for 4 minutes, remove from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and set aside. Wash and cut the small potatoes in half and par boil them for 4 to 5 minutes and set aside.

Remove the outer part of the fennel and cut it into 1/2 inch slices lengthwise, making sure part of the base bulb is included in each slice. Working is batches if necessary, fry the fennel slices in  olive oil until beginning to brown, turn them over and brown the other side. Prepare the garlic cloves by snipping off the hard part where they were attached to the base. DO NOT PEEL.

Remove the pork roast from the bag and plastic wrap and brown it on all sides over medium heat. Place it into a large baking dish, arrange the vegetables around the pork and roast it for 40 to 45 minutes. When done, remove the roast from the baking dish and slice it, transferring it to a serving platter. Arrange the roasted vegetables around the pork and serve. Pair this dish with a green salad, and a light red wine like Sangiovese, TRE Merlot or Cabernet, or the Rosatella Rose.

(The roasted garlic can be easily removed by rolling a fork or spoon over the bulb towards the open end, discarding the skin.)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Roasted Eggplant Soup

Two soups in a row. Oh well. I have been working on this for quite a while. I finally got it right and thought I should post it. If you do not like eggplant, don't try this. If you love eggplant like I do, go for it. It is different but delicious.

2    large Italian eggplants
4    tablespoons olive oil, divided
1    medium white onion, chopped
4    cloves garlic
3 1/4  cups low salt chicken broth, divided
1/2  jar (7 ounce) roasted red peppers, drained and chopped

Preheat the oven to 325 F degrees. Peel the eggplants and cut into 1/2 inch slices lengthwise. Brush both sides liberally with olive oil, season with salt, place on a roasting pan and roast in the top of the oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Check for done-ness every 10 minutes - when they are golden brown, turn them over and roast for another 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, chop into 1 inch cubes and set aside.

In a large sauce pan, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and simmer until it becomes translucent, about 5 to 6 minutes. Add the garlic and simmer for 1 minute. Add 3 cups of the chicken broth and the eggplant pieces and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes to blend the flavors. Working in batches if necessary, transfer the eggplant soup to a blender or food processor and process to a puree. Strain into a clean sauce pan and season to taste.

Meanwhile, add the roasted red peppers and 1/4 cup of chicken broth to blender of food processor. Process to a puree, Reheat the eggplant soup as necessary and transfer to individual bowls. Spoon the red pepper puree into the center of each bowl and serve immediately.

Loosely based on an idea found at www.cooks.com

Cool Tomato Soup

A wonderful cool soup great for a hot afternoon or a cool morning brunch.

1 1/4 cups fresh tomatoes, diced to 1/4 inch, divided
2       cups chopped or whole canned tomatoes with sauce
3       green onions, white and green parts, chopped
1/4    cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
2       tablespoons tomato-based salsa
1       tablespoon lemon juice
1       pinch salt to taste

Into a blender or food processor, place 3/4 cup chopped fresh tomatoes. Add the 2 cups of canned tomatoes (from 1 can of San Marzano tomatoes, 1/2 can Di Napoli tomatoes or 1/2 package POMI chopped tomatoes.) Add the green onions, cilantro, salsa, and lemon juice and process to a lumpy puree. Add the remainder 1/2 cup of diced fresh tomatoes and chill in the refrigerator for 1to 2 hours. Serve with a garnish of fresh cilantro leaves.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Apricot Balsamic Dressing

This is it, finally. This is the dressing that was added to the chicken served at the Olive Oil and Balsamic tasting. You weren't there ?? Well, you can try it anyhow, and add it to a salad festooned with cooked chicken strips.
1    tablespoon olive oil
2    medium shallots, chopped finely
1/4 cup B & R Farms Apricot and Red Pepper sauce
1/8 cup dry white table wine (TRE Chardonnay was used)
1/4 cup well aged balsamic vinegar (must listed first in the ingredients)

In a medium sauce pan over low-medium heat, add the olive oil and chopped shallots.Simmer for 4 to 5 minutes to soften the shallots. Add the B & R Apricot sauce and bring to a roiling boil.  Add the wine and balsamic vinegar, bring back to a boil, and reduce the heat. Simmer until the sauce has been reduced to a syrupy consistency. Remove from the heat and serve once partially cooled.

From the kitchen of my friend and excellenr cook, Kimarie Manfre

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Balsamic and Wine Dressings

These also were served at the Balsamic Tasting at Guglielmo Winery.
2    tablespoons Emile's Port Wine
2    tablespoons aged balsamic vinegar

Mix the to ingredients together, whisk well and serve on a salad with a preponderance of Arugula or Royal Rose radicchio or other peppery (can't call them bitter) greens.

2    tablespoons Chaucer's Raspberry wine
1    tablespoon aged balsamic vinegar.

Whisk these two ingredients together and dress a mixed green salad that would benefit from raspberry vinaigrette dressing.

NOTE: As pointed out to the class, the best part of these dressings is that if you should prepare too much, they are very drinkable. No, I'm not kidding.