Monday, April 9, 2018

Dried Fruit Soup

¼    cup dried apricots
¼    cup dried pears
¼    cup dried mango
¼    cup dried papaya
¼    cup dried pineapple
1     bottle (375 ml) Chaucers Raspberry wine
½    cup water
1     tablespoon sugar
½    cup whipping cream


Cut all the fruit into small (less than ½ inch) pieces. In a medium sauce pan, add the fruit to the Raspberry wine and water, bring it to a boil. Reduce heat to a low simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes.  

Add the sugar and remove from the heat. Allow the soup to cool to room temperature and add ½ cup whipping cream, stirring it in to a consistent color. Refrigerate until well chilled and serve as a dessert in ½ cup servings.

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