Monday, March 19, 2018

Underbground Stew

When I was much younger, I could not, and would not. eat parsnips and did not like turnips or rutabagas. Then this British friend steamed them all together and told me to try them. Much to my surprise, it was a lovely dish and I enjoyed them many times with her. So, that is why this is here. Not only does it bring back fond memories, but it is freally good. Trust me.

2    tablespoons olive oil
1    medium white onion, chopped ½ inch (2 cups)
2    carrots, diced ½ inch (about 1 cup)
2    medium parsnips, diced ½ inch (about 1 cup)
1    medium rutabaga diced ½ inch (about 2 cups)
2    medium turnips, diced ½ inch (about 1 cup)
1    large Yukon potato, diced ½ inch (about 1 cup+)
4-6    cloves garlic, lightly chopped
½   cup dry roasted peanuts
2    cups low sodium chicken broth
2    cups dry white table wine
1    tablespoon dried marjoram
1    tablespoon dried thyme
2    tablespoons dry parsley leaves

In a large stock pot over medium heat, add the onions and cook until translucent, about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the carrots, parsnip, rutabaga, turnips, potatoes, garlic and peanuts. Add the broth and wine and bring to a boil. Add the spices and parsley, reduce the heat to a slow simmer and cook for about 20  minutes until all the vegetables are tender-crisp.

To serve, add to individual bowls and, if you happen to have grated Parmesan cheese, sprinkle a bit of that on top before serving..

Adapted from a recipe in Cooking Light magazine.

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