Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Easy Fudgey Brownies

This recipe was given to me by Lynn O., one of our favorite customers at Guglielmo Winery. I decided to take it on and try them when she agreed that walnuts in Brownies were just a waste of Brownie space and that it was all right to add chocolate chips or M&M’s to Brownies any time.

¾    cup cocoa powder (Hershey, Ghirardelli, etc.)
½    teaspoon baking soda
2/3  cup oil (Canola or olive), divided
½    cup Eredita Port (no other Port will do)
2     cups granulated sugar
2     eggs, beaten
1 1/3    cups unsifted all-purpose flour
1     teaspoon vanilla extract
¼    teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 350 F degrees and grease the sides and bottom of a 13 inch by 9 inch baking dish or two 8 inch square baking dishes.

In a large mixing bowl, combine and stir the cocoa and baking powder. Blend in 1/3 cup of the vegetable oil. Bring the Port to a boil in the microwave and add to the mixing bowl, stirring until the mixture thickens. Add the sugar, eggs and the other 1/3 cup of vegetable oil and stir until smooth. Blend in the flour, vanilla and salt and mix until thoroughly blended.

Pour the mixture in to the prepared baking dish(s) and bake for 30 to 32 minutes (8 inch dishes) or 35 to 40 minutes (13 by 9 inch dish.) The brownies are done when a toothpick inserted into them comes out clean. Cool, frost if desired and cut into squares.

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